Relay | AngelList

Relay | AngelList

Discover the transformative power of AngelList Relay, a portfolio management tool designed to extract and organize key details from investment documents and company updates with exceptional ease. AngelList Relay is your AI-powered assistant that elevates your inbox to an organized, data-rich dashboard. By simply forwarding an email, Relay automatically parses unstructured data like pay-to-play provisions, revenue metrics, and burn rate, delivering a summary within minutes. The software supports various document types, including SPAs and SAFEs, and comes with a portfolio tracking dashboard for insightful performance tracking. With features like team permissioning, document management, and AI summaries, Relay streamlines the portfolio management process, removing manual efforts and creating a more efficient workflow for fund managers and investors.

Top Features:
  1. AI-powered Term Extraction: Relay automatically identifies and extracts key terms from forwarded investment documents and updates.

  2. Document Management: It organizes documents by company year and month with options for bulk downloads for easy accessibility.

  3. Portfolio Tracking Dashboard: Relay reveals valuable insights by tracking portfolio company performance in a unified dashboard.

  4. Team Permissioning & Access: Relay ensures team members and external partners have the necessary access to investment data and summaries.

  5. AI Summary and Automated Dashboard: Relay generates AI email summaries and creates dashboards with fund and company-level insights quickly.


1) What documents can Relay process?

elay can process various types of documents like board consents, certificates of incorporation, convertible notes, and more, provided they are in DOCX or PDF format and include the company's and fund's legal names.

2) What type of investment documents count towards the monthly parsing limits?

elay will parse Stock Purchase Agreements (SPAs) and SAFEs which count towards the monthly parsing limits.

3) What terms can Relay extract from the supported investment documents?

elay can currently parse terms from Stock Purchase Agreements and SAFEs, including company name, investment date, valuation amount, and other key terms.






AI-Powered Portfolio Analyzer Investment Documents Organization Company Updates Document Parsing Accuracy Structured Data Transformation


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